This term, I taught a class in Sound Art. The course itself lent itself to self-direction. Each week, students would read for an hour or two on a sound art-related topic of their choosing. When the class met, we would incorporate their readings into the discussion. Our topics ran broad, from the definition of sound art, to social responsibilities (or lack thereof) of artists, to the role of virtuosity in artmaking, to the technical tools for implementation of sound art.
Additionally, students worked on three projects, the last of which was a sound art piece of their own creation. Last week, the students presented their final work. I won't go into the details of the pieces, except to say that they had a huge range. One student created a balloon-festooned sound walk. One placed contact microphones on a campus bridge and used the inputs to create new content. One created an interactive sculpture using mirrored cubes, hyperdirectional loudspeakers, and QR codes. The pieces were varied and very interesting. Here are some photos!